
Producemart.com: Introducing A Brand New Way To Buy And Sell Agricultural Produce And Ingredients.

16 Apr 19


Officially launching this month, producemart.com is a new online B2B marketplace for wholesale agricultural produce and ingredients – making it simple to list and source produce on an international scale.

Acting as an intermediary platform for both producers and buyers, producemart.com allows them to connect with each other in a remote and secure manner, overcoming challenges such as language barriers or potential security concerns around cross-border purchases.

“Farmers and producers, both here in the UK and abroad, have all kinds of wonderful produce and ingredients for sale, but it can be a real challenge to reach out to the potential customers who might be interested in sourcing produce just like theirs,” said producemart.com Chief Product Officer, Sola Erogbogbo.

“Similarly, we know that many businesses – from food manufacturers to wholesalers – would benefit hugely from having access to all kinds of produce and ingredients from around the world, but don’t know where to start. Producemart.com aims to simplify the process for both buyers and sellers, by offering a remote, secure way to connect with each other.

“As consumers, we’re used to shopping for all kinds of products online and we want to make it just as simple and intuitive to buy and sell agricultural produce in a similar way.”

How producemart.com works:

1. Suppliers list and manage their produce or ingredients on the site – it’s easy to use, with the flexibility to add and remove their products based on factors such as availability.
2. Buyers search among the ingredients and produce listed – with the option to request samples from vendors.
3. If buyers are happy with the quality of the received sample, they pay into an escrow to initiate an order – keeping their money secure while reassuring sellers that they’re serious about their purchase.
4. Buyers can request an inspection of their order plus supervision of the loading process to ensure the produce and quantity ordered have been verified.
5. If the order is satisfactory (i.e. produce and quantity have been checked out), 50% of the payment is automatically released to the seller, upon collection of the verified order by the courier from the seller.
6. When the buyer receives the goods, they have 20 days from delivery to confirm they are happy before the remaining balance is released
7. If unhappy, the buyer can query their order and request an investigation.

For more information visit www.producemart.com

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