
The T. Colin Campbell Center for nutrition studies launches its food and sustainability online certificate

The T. Colin Campbell Center for nutrition studies launches its food and sustainability online certificate
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The T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies (CNS), the renowned global leader in whole food plant based resources, education and advocacy, announces the launch of its new online Food and Sustainability Certificate. The certificate explores critically important issues related to the environmental impacts of food production, the effects on food justice, accessibility, and international food systems, and the positive impact we can make every day through our food choices.

“We are incredibly excited to offer this new online certificate which is a natural extension of our global mission,” commented LeAnne Campbell, President at CNS. “This new program will provide students with the tools to advocate for a more sustainable and equitable food system, whether they are business professionals, community organizers, or environmentally-conscious citizens.”

Following the hugely successful Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate, which launched in 2009 and has seenover 20,000 graduates earn their certificate, this program follows a similar format combining

cutting-edge technologies in an engaging online learning environment. Key features include: a 100

percent online format; 24/7 access; a dedicated instructional team; a world-wide network of students; and immediate applicability.

Once again, the instructor-led course is steered by T. Colin Campbell, PhD and is joined by a roster of over fifteen policy, public health, and environmental thought leaders that guide students through the main sectors of the food system - farming, economic, social, and environmental - and highlight the many connections between them. “The panel of instructors is an incredible gathering of some of the greatest minds around the topic of sustainability,” continues LeAnne Campbell. “Expertises include agriculture, marine habitats, government policy, community activism, business practices, and much more. We are truly proud of what we have created in this next important step of education.”

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