AHDB event to focus on farm vaccination programmes

30 March, 21

AHDB’s pork team is hosting a webinar focused on getting the most from farm vaccination programmes. It will provide pig farmers with an opportunity to learn about vaccine development, administration methods, best practice and more, from some well-known pharmaceutical companies.

Correct handling, storage and administration is key to vaccines working effectively. They are expensive, technical products which need to be treated as such. Vaccines can have a big impact on pig production, but it is important to remember that they are not a silver bullet to control all disease.

AHDB’s national pig club meeting on 20 April will feature discussions with international experts who want to help producers get the most from their vaccines.

Pippa Handley, AHDB Senior Knowledge Exchange Manager, said: “Pharmaceutical companies spend millions getting vaccines onto the market and making sure they are safe and efficacious but what happens once it leaves their hands can make or break the success of them on farm.

“With margins so tight, producers can’t afford not to look after and administer vaccines correctly, which is why we are holding this webinar. We want to tell the whole story, from development to administration, and give people the opportunity to ask any questions they might have to help them get the most from the vaccines they are using on farm.

“We are also keen to stress the importance of producers working with their vets to develop the most suitable vaccination strategies for their businesses – every unit will be different.”


Lysan Eppink, a technical advisor at Boehringer Ingelheim, will set the scene, explaining how you can make the most of vaccines and what you should expect from them. She will also look at the importance of biosecurity and not relying solely on vaccines to control disease.

Laura Hancox, a veterinary manager with Zoetis, will then focus on the changing face of vaccine strategies and how viruses and diseases are developing. She will also talk about maternal, paternal and acquired immunity and how to avoid an ‘immunity gap’.

Following this will be a presentation from Steve Winfield and Russ Warin of HIPRA, who will be explaining the science behind needleless vaccine administration, as well as some of the advantages and disadvantages of the method.

There has been a lot of focus in the news recently about the development of vaccines, and Rubén del Pozo from MSD will be taking attendees through vaccine development and manufacturing in a little more detail – from matching vaccines to challenges, to the costs and testing requirements.

To round things off, Frédéric Vangroenweghe of Elanco will be discussing the use of water as an administration method. He will explain the importance of water hygiene and system infrastructure, as well as the most effective ways to administer water-based vaccines.

The meeting will also provide attendees with an opportunity to find out more about AHDB’s activity, ask any questions they may have and put some faces to names.

Pippa added: “This is a fantastic opportunity to hear from so many pharmaceutical companies in one meeting, and I would really like to encourage producers and their teams to join us. Even if you can’t make the whole session, as long as you are registered, we will send you the full recording afterwards.”

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