
IGD supports ambition to work with industry to create a more transparent food system, as set out in the government food strategy

IGD supports ambition to work with industry to create a more transparent food system, as set out in the government food strategy

Following the publication of the Government Food Strategy, IGD, the organisation that delivers positive social impact in partnership with the food and consumer goods industry, has outlined its support for the ambition to create a more transparent food system and the need for more consistent data. This will enable businesses to make better decisions and inform consumers’ choices.

Susan Barratt, CEO of IGD, says: “We are supportive of the intention to work with the food industry to develop a reliable set of metrics and methodologies for data collection. It will be important to ensure that in doing so, data collection is simple and consistent, but importantly, adds value.”

A key policy set out in today’s strategy is The Food Data Transparency Partnership which in addition to working with industry to develop at set of corporate metrics across health, sustainability and animal welfare, will provide consumers with the information they need to make more sustainable, ethical, and healthier food choices. This will include developing a mandatory methodology that must be used by those who want to produce eco labels or make claims about the sustainability of their products.

Susan continues: “We welcome the aim to develop a mandatory methodology that must be used by those who want to produce eco labels. This will build on the work IGD is leading with DEFRA, the wider industry and WRAP in developing a uniform approach to environmental labelling for the UK food sector.

In addition, IGD welcomes the confirmation that government will undertake a programme of randomised control trials to develop a suite of evidence based and value for money interventions to encourage and enable healthier and more sustainable diets, with the findings informing future government policy. This is an exciting research area with significant support from industry – IGD is currently working with 20 leading organisations across industry and the University of Leeds to collaboratively test behaviour change levers in real-life settings and identify the most effective ways to drive positive and tangible change.

Susan continues: “We look forward to sharing the results of our real-life trials, using the findings to work with government to build the evidence base. The trials take us on the journey of realising our longer-term ambition, to establish what levers truly inspire sustained behaviour change and help our industry to adopt best practice and create wide-reaching social impact.

“We know from our conversations with businesses across our industry that there is a real desire to find a clear way forward and to help deliver a long-term positive change to Britain’s food system. IGD stands ready to play our part using our unique ability to bring stakeholders together from across the whole food and grocery industry.”

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