Healthy and tasty SA Sultanas are the perfect new-year ingredient

16 January, 23
South African Sultanas are being pitched as the ideal ingredient in new year diets and meat-free resolutions.

South African Sultanas are being pitched as the ideal ingredient in new year diets and meat-free resolutions.

In Veganuary, producers have highlighted the many benefits of SA Sultanas as consumers look to reduce their meat consumption and swap in healthy and tasty alternative foods.

Sultanas are widely used as an ingredient in a range of bakery products, as well as snack bars and cereals. They have a number of key benefits, featuring a sweeter taste profile, with a caramelised, honeylike flavour and a softer, plumper texture that is less chewy and easy to eat.

With health experts recommending a mix of both fresh and dried fruit in healthy diets, SA Sultanas provide a natural, cost-effective and enjoyable addition to the healthy-eating mix. They are a natural powerhouse, full of fibre, iron, calcium and antioxidants, with the nutrients packed into the Sultanas as most of the water is extracted, meaning consumers can eat less to achieve one of their 5 A Day.

SA Sultanas are naturally sundried grapes, and feature low-to-no residues, making them a preferred origin of supply. The premium product features a 12-month shelf-life and world-leading colour and flavour profile.

Ferdie Botha, chief executive of Raisins South Africa, said: “We know that consumers put a special emphasis on their diets in the new year, and that the popularity of meat-free trends like Veganuary means they are seeking out alternative ingredients that are both tasty and healthy. SA Sultanas meet these needs and we will be keen to encourage consumers to discover these wonderful products and to see them as a long-term addition to their shopping baskets.”

The SA Sultanas marketing campaign for the new year focuses on trade and social media activity, accentuating the key differences between Sultanas and other raisins and highlighting to both buyers and consumers the wide variety of benefits offered by South African product.

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